0 Résultat

The three principles guiding our sourcing

  • Fairness and transparency when selecting our suppliers:
    Throughout the relationship, from the call for tenders phase to the conclusion of the contract, the bank ensures that suppliers are treated with equality and transparency.

  • Seeking the best balance between cost, quality and risk

  • Searching for innovative and sustainable solutions:
    As part of our selection criteria, we give preference to suppliers who offer innovative solutions and who comply with our policy of controlling environmental and social risks.

Sustainable Sourcing Charter

We pay particular attention to suppliers’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies when analysing tenders.

“The emphasis our suppliers place on their environmental, social and governance performance (ESG criteria) is a key factor for us when selecting tenders. The BNP Paribas Group’s sourcing policy forms part of a sustainable approach”

Catherine Wurth, Head of CSR at BGL BNP Paribas

Find out more about the Sustainable Sourcing Charter


Becoming a supplier

At BGL BNP Paribas, we do not accept simple referrals. There are two ways to become a BGL BNP Paribas supplier:

  • selection from a panel of suppliers following a call for tenders 
  • selection for a specific sourcing project

Our procedures and tools are designed to ensure the traceability of supplier selection decisions.

The supplier path

  • Pre-qualification
    For all calls for tenders, we pre-qualify your company based on financial health and economic dependence criteria. While not representing the final word, these criteria are a prerequisite for the development of a balanced relationship.

  • Call for tenders
    Before launching the call for tenders we inform you of its general rules via the signature of a preliminary agreement.

  • Decision
    We look for financially sound suppliers who can provide us with competitive solutions that are likely to contribute to the BNP Paribas Group’s goals in terms of quality, innovation and sustainable development.

  • Monitoring the relationship
    Once the contract has been signed, we at all times strive to maintain a balanced relationship and encourage the mutual exchange of expertise. Where required, we will work with you to define shared progress plans.

  • Payment
    To improve the processing of your invoices, we provide you with a guide specifying the formats and content to be respected for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Key documents for our relationship:
  • PICTOS_Planche
    Supplier onboarding documents

    For all new relationships, BGL BNP Paribas will ask you to provide the following documents:

    • An extract from the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register or any other document of the same nature from your country of establishment (e.g. in France, a Kbis extract)
    • A copy of your business permit
    • A brochure presenting your company

    A proportionate risk analysis will also be carried out (this may cover IT, personal data protection, etc. as applicable).

    We will also provide you with the: 

    BNP Paribas Group Code of Conduct (in French)

    BNP Paribas Group Code of Conduct (in English)


  • PICTOS_Planche
    Generic contractual documents
  • PICTOS_Planche
    Appendices to the contracts – Service companies
    • Remote working code

    To facilitate remote working on a permanent basis in the wake of the health crisis and in compliance with CSSF circular 21/769 (as amended by CSSF circular 22/804) on teleworking, BGL BNP Paribas permits up to two days of remote working per week for employees of service companies, subject to your agreement.

    Therefore, if your company has a contractual relationship with the bank and employs staff who regularly work on our premises between three and five days a week, while accessing the bank’s IT system, we recommend that you familiarise yourself with the attached terms and conditions subject to which your employees may work remotely.

    If you wish your employees to benefit from this arrangement, please return the attached document, duly signed (by hand or by certified electronic signature in your name), to fournisseur@bgl.lu.

    Please inform your employees of the measures that concern them directly (in particular articles 4 to 8 of the document attached hereto). Furthermore, please note that you are responsible for monitoring the remote working of your non-resident employees, particularly with regard to tax and social security matters.

    We hope that the flexibility thus offered to your employees will help improve their work-life balance and further strengthen the solid working relationship between our two companies and our respective employees

    Remote working principles and measures for service companies


  • PICTOS_Planche
    Other documents

    In the context of discussions or negotiations relating to a specific assignment or project, it may be necessary to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Electronic signature of contracts

BGL BNP Paribas allows its Luxembourg-based suppliers to sign contracts electronically.

Electronically signed contracts are a reliable and eco-friendly solution.

To improve operational efficiency and reduce its environmental footprint, BGL BNP Paribas has introduced digital signatures for its contracts with suppliers.

Electronic signatures using a LuxTrust Token (mobile or physical) unequivocally authenticate the author or owner of a document, thus ensuring the document’s integrity.

This signature complies with the EU’s eIDAS (Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services) regulation.

To use this new signature method, all you need to do is:

  • confirm your participation in this new process,
  • provide us with the email address(es) of your company’s authorised signatory or signatories,
  • obtain a LuxTrust Token. Please note that a private token is perfectly acceptable.

Sign a document

View the signature of a document

Sign several documents at once

Get involved

Being a buyer at BNP Paribas means working with suppliers in compliance with five requirements, which all our employees are made aware of:

1.      Compliance with the laws, regulations and professional standards applicable to the various entities of the BNP Paribas Group in Luxembourg

2.      Protecting the Group’s reputation

3.      Fairness in the choice of suppliers

4.      Confidentiality in the exchange of information

5.      Independence from suppliers and management of conflicts of interest

Contact us

If you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact the team in charge of supplier relations.