0 Résultat

Personal data protection

Personal data accompanying fund transfers is processed by the Bank, by BNP Paribas Group entities and by other specialised companies such as the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT). This processing may be done through the intermediary of local centres in European countries, the United States of America and elsewhere, operating in accordance with local laws. As a result, the authorities of these countries, notably the United States, may request access to personal data stored in processing centres as part of their fight against terrorism. Any Customer who gives an order to his Bank to execute a payment or any other transaction de facto accepts that all data necessary for the proper execution of said transaction may be processed outside of Luxembourg.

Personal data protection information notice

As a data controller, BGL BNP Paribas places the utmost importance on personal data security and confidentiality, and on compliance with data protection rules.

On this basis, and in accordance with our obligations, we have updated our Data Protection Notice, which describes the rules we apply to collecting and using the personal data of our clients, partners and individuals who hold or have held accounts with us, to be as transparent as possible on how we process the data in our possession.

This Data Protection Notice also provides you with useful and practical information on your personal data rights and the means available for you to exercise these rights.