0 Résultat

Information for clients about execution venues and investment firms selected to execute transactions issued by clients

2021 Report - 2020 Activity

This information has been drawn up to provide clients with information on the arrangements  made by BGL BNP Paribas (“BGL BNP Paribas” or “us” or the “Bank”) with regard to the execution  venues on which client orders in financial instruments have been executed as well as on the  investment firms to or with which client orders in financial instruments have been transmitted or  placed for execution, in accordance with Directive 2014/65/EU on markets in financial instruments (recast) and the implementing measures as transposed into national laws and regulations  (“MiFID II”), where applicable. 

The information presented below has been prepared in accordance with regulatory technical standard RTS28. It comprises the ranking of the top five execution venues and brokers used by BGL BNP Paribas. These reports stipulate the trading volume (expressed as a percentage) for each category of financial instrument, based on client orders processed in the previous year, and statistics on the execution quality obtained. 

The information must provide a breakdown by client category (retail clients or professional clients as defined in MiFID II). Information on eligible counterparties is omitted from these reports. 

The bank fulfils its disclosure and publication obligations for all business activities in the following two sections:

1. Order reception and transmission : the reports in this section provide a ranking of the top five brokers the bank uses for the execution of client orders.

    Client classification
    Retail Professional
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Report breakdown
by asset classes

(a) – i Equities and equivalent instruments
– equities and depository receipts
– Liquidity band between 5 and 6 (over 2,000 transactions a day)
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(a) – ii Equities and equivalent instruments
– equities and depository receipts
– Liquidity band between 3 and 4 (80–1,999 transactions a day)
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(a) – iii Equities and equivalent instruments
– equities and depository receipts
– Liquidity band between 1 and 2 (79 transactions a day or fewer)
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(b) Debt instruments
‐ (i) Bonds
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(b) Debt instruments
‐ (ii) Money market instruments
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(g) Equity derivatives
‐ (i) Options and futures admitted to trading
on a trading venue
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(h) Securitised derivatives
– (i) Warrants and derivatives on preferred certificates
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(k) Exchange‐traded products (ETPs) [exchange‐traded funds (ETFs),
exchange‐traded notes (ETNs)
and exchange‐traded commodities (ETCs)]
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(m) Other Instruments link to xls file
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2.   Execution of orders on behalf of the client : the reports in this section provide a ranking of the top five execution venues the bank uses to execute its clients’ orders.


    Client classification
    Retail Professional
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Report breakdown
by asset classes

(e) Currency derivatives
‐ (i) futures and options admitted to trading on a
trading venue
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(e) Currency derivatives
‐ (ii) Swaps, forwards and other currency derivatives
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3. Securities Financing Transactions : The reports in this section provide a ranking of the top five execution venues the bank uses to execute securities financing transactions. These transactions must be reported separately from other execution activities


    Détail Professionnels
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Report breakdown by asset classes

(m) Other Instruments
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