If you’re looking for support and a stress-free way to finance your studies, there are several options available:
- study grants,
- student loans.
Study grants
One way to partially finance your studies is to apply for a grant from the Luxembourg government. Multiple grants are available:
- a base grant of EUR 1,025 per semester, awarded to Luxembourg residents or children of cross-border workers, under certain conditions,
- a means-tested social grant for students who live in a household with limited income,
- a family grant of EUR 512 per year and per student is also available if one or more children in the household already receive financial aid.
The base state-guaranteed student loan is increased by the amount of registration fees exceeding a fixed amount of EUR 100 up to a maximum of EUR 3,700:
- 50% in the form of a grant,
- 50% in the form of a loan.
State-guaranteed student loan (AideFi)
In addition to student grants, the Luxembourg government also helps finance your studies through a state-guaranteed student loan (AideFi) of a base amount of EUR 3,250 per semester, with attractive conditions. This can be granted by BGL BNP Paribas as a government-regulated financial institution(1).
The BGL BNP Paribas offer for your state-guaranteed student loan (AideFi)
By choosing BGL BNP Paribas for your state-guaranteed student loan (AideFi), you can also access:
- an interest-free(2) EUR 5,000 advance to cover your expenses while you wait for the first instalment of your loan,
- your rental guarantee, up to EUR 5,000 (1),
- OptiStudent insurance with EuropAssistance which includes 24/7 assistance in the event of illness, accident or hospitalisation, over five years.
Good to know
In addition to state-guaranteed student loan (AideFi), BGL BNP Paribas offers higher education loans that can be drawn down in annual instalments over five years(1).
How to take out a student loan
To take out a student loan, contact your BGL BNP Paribas branch:
- client service phone number,
- send a message,
- make an appointment.
What are the terms and conditions for student loan repayments?
Student loan repayments include the following:
- repayment of debit interest, payable on 30 June and 31 December of each year,
- interest is payable on 30 June and 31 December of each year. In principle, students must start repaying the loan two years after graduating. The loan must be repaid in full within ten years.
Looking for solutions to finance your studies?
BGL BNP Paribas offers student loans with many additional benefits.
Frequently asked questions
How can I calculate the exact state-guaranteed student loan (AideFi) amount I am eligible for?
Your request for financial assistance must be assessed by CEDIES. It calculates the amount you can obtain based on a range of criteria (such as household income). A simulator is also available on the CEDIES website.
Can I defer my student loan repayments?
You can request to extend or waive the repayment of your loan. To do so, simply fill out the form available at your bank, explaining your situation and attaching any supporting documents.
(1) Offer subject to terms and conditions and approval of your application by the bank.
(2)This advance must be paid back as soon as you receive the state-guaranteed student loan (AideFi).