Studying abroad is common practice in Luxembourg
Many students from Luxembourg now decide to continue their studies outside the Grand Duchy, either for their entire course or as part of an exchange programme for a few months.
Studying abroad can be expensive
Deciding to go to university can be expensive, and this financial investment will be even greater if you choose to study abroad.
A whole range of costs needs to be covered:
- university tuition fees, which in some countries or universities may be several thousand euro,
- accommodation,
- food,
- day-to-day spending,
- transport and regular travel back to Luxembourg,
- leisure.
The rental guarantee(1) helps you cover a rental bond anywhere in the European Union.
To get a precise idea of the budget you’ll need for your studies abroad, you’ll need to find out the cost of living in the country you’re heading to.
Financial aid for your studies abroad
Various solutions are available to help finance your studies abroad, depending on your situation.
Grants and loans in Luxembourg for studies abroad
The Luxembourg government offers grants for studies abroad.
The mobility grant of EUR 1,255 per semester is awarded to students enrolled on a higher education programme outside the country of residence of their household. You must also provide proof that you are paying for your rental accommodation.
Under the same conditions as if you were completing your higher education in Luxembourg, you can also benefit from:
- a base grant of EUR 1,025 per semester, awarded to all eligible students,
- a means-tested social grant for students living in a household with limited income,
- a family grant of EUR 512 per year and per student if one or more children in the household already receive financial assistance.
The base state-guaranteed student loan (AideFi) is increased by the amount of registration fees exceeding a fixed amount of EUR 100 up to a maximum of EUR 3,700:
- 50% in the form of a grant,
- 50% in the form of a loan.
Before you register, double check that the course you want to enrol on is recognised and entitles you to financial aid from the Luxembourg government for tertiary studies.
The Luxembourg government also offers state-guaranteed student loans (AideFi) of a base amount of EUR 3,250 per semester, with attractive conditions*. This can be granted by BGL BNP Paribas as a government-approved financial institution.
Good to know
In addition to state-guaranteed student loans (AideFi), BGL BNP Paribas offers higher education loans that can be drawn down in annual instalments over five years*.
Study abroad grants offered by other countries
If you’re completing your studies in the European Union, you can access the same study grants as those offered to domestic students.
However, outside the European Union, you may not be eligible for aid in the country you’re studying in.
Good to know
The CEDIES website lists the grants available abroad.
Erasmus grants
If you choose to study abroad as part of an Erasmus exchange, you can also access a grant financed by the European Union.
To obtain an Erasmus grant, contact the Erasmus office at your institution at the start of the academic year. You are then selected based on your results and language level.
Looking for ways to finance your studies abroad?
Find out about the BGL BNP Paribas student loan and its range of benefits.
Frequently asked questions
How do I get a student loan to finance my studies abroad?
To take out a student loan, contact your BGL BNP Paribas branch. As a government-approved financial institution, BGL BNP Paribas can offer you this loan.
What are the conditions for obtaining a student loan?
If you live in Luxembourg, you’ll need to meet the following conditions:
- be a Luxembourg resident,
- be a family member of a Luxembourg national residing in Luxembourg,
- be a European citizen (EU + EEA), employed or working in your profession in Luxembourg.
How do I repay my student loan?
Interest is payable on 30 June and 31 December of each year. In principle, students must start paying back the loan two years after graduating, and in full within 10 years
(1)Offer subject to terms and conditions and approval of your application by the bank.