0 Résultat





A key step in energy retrofitting

concept housing a young family. Mother father and child in new house with a roof

Old housing stock is responsible for a considerable proportion of greenhouse gas emissions. Home renovations are a way to limit them, while reducing your energy bills and improving comfort. Such work comes at a cost, though, which government subsidies (the new Klimabonus scheme) can help mitigate. But before you can access them, an energy audit of your home must be carried out: an energy consultation with a consultancy firm approved by the Klima-Agence.

What is an energy consultation?

Architect working in his office. Standing and talking on smart phone and writing notes with pencil. Talking to client.

An energy consultation is an energy audit of your home carried out by a consultancy firm approved by the Klima-Agence, which will allow you to make savings and make your energy profitable. A comprehensive file is compiled, including proposals for possible energy improvements, detailing different renovation stages. This information is sent to the centralised service responsible for allocating Klimabonus subsidies, and an agreement in principle to obtain them is requested. The file compiled by the energy consultant also includes checks on the compliance of the quote and materials used, as well as monitoring of the work. Once the work has been completed, the actual application for the Klimabonus subsidies is submitted to the centralised service. This is therefore an essential step in obtaining grants as part of an energy retrofitting project.

Which work requires an energy consultation?

You must schedule an energy consultation to obtain government subsidies for retrofitting work affecting energy isolation or building exterior elements:

  • roof, slab, wall and window insulation;
  • window and door installation;
  • and ventilation.

Who does this apply to?

  • Homes in Luxembourg;
  • More than 10 years old.

Good to know

As of 2022, a simplified energy consultation rather than a full energy consultation can be carried out when work only affects a single construction element of a building’s thermal envelope.



How much does an energy consultation cost?

couple at their new empty apartment

The price of an energy consultation varies depending on the options chosen. To complete the compulsory steps of an energy consultation, the cost is around EUR 3,400 (incl. VAT). With some optional extras, this cost may increase to EUR 4,000 (incl. VAT). Please note, however, that some of this cost may be subsidised by a KlimaBonus grant. For a single-family home, this grant is around EUR 1,000.

Frequently asked questions

  • icone faq question
    Is an energy consultation required when applying for an energy retrofitting loan?

    No, completing an energy consultation in advance is not a requirement when applying for finance for your retrofitting project.

  • icone faq question
    How much government aid can I claim by requesting an energy consultation?

    Subsidy amounts vary considerably depending on the type of work carried out and the materials selected. All scales can be found at Guichet.lu.

  • icone faq question
    How long is an energy consultation valid for?

    An energy consultation with an approved consultancy firm is valid for four years.

(1)Offer subject to terms and conditions and approval of your application by the bank.