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Every day and all over the world, we use our expertise to make payments more convenient and secure.

This currency converter shows you the exchange rates set by Mastercard and Visa so that you can convert the currency applied to your card payments or withdrawals abroad.


How does it work?

Simply tell us:

  • the amount paid by card, in the transaction currency;
  • the type of payment card used.

For complete transparency, BGL BNP Paribas shows you:

  • the payment amount converted into euros;
  • the exchange rate(1);
  • the bank fees;
  • the ratio between the exchange rate applied by the bank for your foreign currency transaction and the exchange rate issued by the European Central Bank.

What is the exchange rate?

The exchange rate shows the value of a domestic currency or any currency in relation to that of another country. It represents the foreign currency amount that can be obtained with one unit of another currency. It is usually expressed as a multiplier.

(1) Exchange rate and bank fees estimated as of today’s date, subject to change depending on the date of settlement of the transaction by Mastercard/Visa.

(2) Ratio (as a percentage) between the exchange rate indicated and the reference rate of the European Central Bank.

(3) The exchange rate displayed by the simulator includes Mastercard/Visa fees and bank fees on the date of the simulation. The exchange rate is calculated by Mastercard and Visa on the basis of a daily retail exchange rate average.