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How do I define my investor profile via the Web Banking app?  

If you have an advisory or discretionary management agreement, you will need to complete your investor profile.

This profile enables us to check that the financial products we offer you are suited to your situation, your investment objectives and your sustainability preferences. 


You can define your investor profile remotely via the Web Banking app.  

  1. Open the menu and select the “INVESTMENTS” section.
  2. Press “Investor profile”, followed by “Create your profile”.
  3. Answer all of the questions.

Once you have completed the questionnaire, you will be assigned a profile:À l’issue du questionnaire, vous obtiendrez le résultat de votre profil :

  • low risk;
  • moderate risk;
  • advanced risk;
  • high risk.

Good to know 

You can print out your profile or save it as a PDF. If you would like to invest outside the recommendations for your profile, you can request an exemption. To do so, fill in the “Profile exemption form”, which is available from your adviser, and return it to us.

If you do not have an advisory or discretionary management agreement with us, you will need to complete the knowledge and experience questionnaire. Doing so will help us to offer you services and products that are tailored to your situation and meet your expectations.



Place a stock market order 

  • How do I place a stock market order?

    Would you like to buy or sell assets on the stock market? Here’s the easy way to place an order via the Web Banking app. 

    1. Access the financial markets:
      go to the main menu and press “INVESTMENTS”, then select “Market info”.

    2. Search for a security:
      use the search bar to enter an ISIN code or the name of the security you wish to buy or sell. Click on “Advanced search” just below the search bar to refine your search.

    3. Buy or sell a security:
      once you have identified the desired security, press “Buy” to buy or “Sell” to sell.
  • Placing an order from your portfolio

    If you already have a securities deposit account, you can also place an order directly from your portfolio.  

    1. Go to the main menu and press “INVESTMENTS”, then select “My portfolio”.
    2. If the security you wish to buy or sell is already in your securities deposit account, you can use the rapid action buttons (swipe left on a line held in your portfolio). 

    Steps to finalise your order

    1. Fill in the quantity or amount you would like to invest.
    2. Choose the order type.
    3. Select the account to be debited and the relevant securities deposit account.
    4. Read through the following documents carefully:

    - Suitability statement (only if you have an advisory agreement in place) 
    - Costs and Charges (available at the bottom of the screen).

    1. Read through the disclaimers displayed on the screen, then tick the boxes to confirm that you have read them.
    2. Once you have ticked both boxes, press “Validate” to confirm.

    Your order will then be placed on the market as soon as possible.

  • How do I cancel a stock market order?

    You can cancel a stock market order remotely via the Web Banking app. To do so, go to the menu and select “INVESTMENTS”, followed by “Order book”. 

    1. Find the line that corresponds to the order you wish to cancel and select it.
    2. The order can only be cancelled if it has not yet been transmitted to the market, in which case the “Cancel order” button will appear. Press it to cancel the order.
    3. A confirmation banner will appear. Press “Yes” to confirm your cancellation request.

    Your cancellation request may not be successful if the order has already been transmitted to / executed on the financial market. To verify whether the cancellation was registered, you can check the status of the order in the order book. If the operation was successful, the status of the order will be displayed as “Cancelled”.


  • How do I view my pending, completed or cancelled stock market orders?

    To view your pending, completed or cancelled stock market orders, go to the menu and press “INVESTMENTS”, followed by “My portfolio”. 

    1. The “Order book” button provides a view of all pending orders as well as orders that will be completed or cancelled over the next two days.
    2. Select the line for the order you wish to view to see more details.
    3. Once the status of the order is “Completed” or “Cancelled”, you will be able to find it for the next 30 days by pressing the “Transaction history” button.

Did you know?  

Manage your investments with ease using the Web Banking app and take advantage of advanced asset-tracking features.

  • Currency conversion: Convert the value of your portfolio into different currencies (EUR – USD – GBP – CHF – JPY – AUD – CAD).
  • Access to security sheet: Click on the name of a financial instrument to access its detailed information sheet.
  • Handy shortcuts: access to the following pages:
    • market info;
    • order book;
    • transaction history.

These tools give you a complete and comprehensive overview of your investments and your portfolio.

View my portfolio 

  • How do I view my portfolio?

    You can view and analyse your portfolio, including your securities deposit account, via the app. Here is everything you can view, along with how to access it.

    Access your portfolio 

    1. Go to the menu, select “INVESTMENTS”, followed by “My portfolio”.
    2. Find an overview that includes:
    • the overall valuation of your portfolio;
    •  available cash;
    • the performance of your assets.

    Your portfolio’s three main views 

    Your portfolio is organised into three views, each offering detailed information to help you better understand the performance and composition of your investments. These views allow you to monitor:

    • the performance of your securities: View your cumulative performance over time in graph format and track how the overall valuation of your portfolio has changed;
    • the breakdown of your assets: Analyse the detailed composition of your portfolio by account, asset class and currency;
    • your risk analysis: Assess your portfolio’s level of risk in relation to your investor profile.
  • How do I check the performance of my portfolio?

    Track performance 
    You can view your portfolio’s valuation history in graph format and track the cumulative performance of your investments by pressing the “Performance” tab. To navigate between the graphs, simply swipe left on your screen.

    When it comes to viewing performance, you have the option of customising the period that is displayed. Select one of the following options: 

    •  year to date:
    •  last 6 months;
    • last 12 months;
    • last 3 years.

    View all your accounts 
    The “PERFORMANCE” tab displays all your securities and cash accounts, along with both their valuations and their realised gains/losses. Clicking on a securities account will give you access to the details of your positions, along with additional information such as the average purchase price as well as gains and losses.

    Monitor cash positions 
    For your cash positions, you can view the following information:

    • the balance in the account currency;
    • the valuation in the reference currency.
  • How do I view the breakdown of my assets (excluding insurance and credit)?

    The “BREAKDOWN” tab gives you access to three detailed views that allow you to monitor the breakdown of your portfolio according to different criteria. Simply swipe your screen to navigate between views. 

    1. Breakdown by account 
      To view all your securities and cash accounts, along with their valuations and weighting in your portfolio, simply click on the account you are interested in. Once you have selected an account, all details regarding your positions will be displayed. You will then be able to view all relevant information concerning this account.
    2. Breakdown by asset class 
      Monitor the composition of your investments by category, with clear information on the relative weighting of each asset class within your portfolio. 

    3. Breakdown by currency
      View a breakdown of your assets by currency – for a complete and dynamic overview of the composition of your portfolio.
  • How do I view my portfolio’s level of risk? (Only available if you have an advisory agreement in place)

    If you have an advisory agreement in place, the “RISK” tab will allow you to assess your portfolio’s level of risk in relation to your investor profile, thanks to a dynamic indicator: 

    The risk indicator 

    • green: when your portfolio’s level of risk is less than or equal to the maximum recommended risk;
    • red: when your portfolio’s level of risk exceeds the maximum recommended risk;
    • orange: when your investor profile has expired.
    • alert message: if you do not have an investor profile, a message will be displayed inviting you to complete it. 

    Alignment message 
    Below the indicator, you will find a message telling you whether your portfolio is aligned or not aligned with your investor profile, or if your profile has expired.

    Access to your investor profile 
    You can view and manage your investor profile directly by pressing “Manage my risk profile”. 

What is Direct Invest Clic?  

Direct Invest Clic is a simple and practical solution for setting up an automatic savings plan in relation to investment funds.

You can manage your investments independently and remotely via the Web Banking app. All you have to do is choose the amount you want to invest and select the corresponding fund. The selection of funds offered to you is personalised according to your investor profile and your risk tolerance. 

  • How do I subscribe to a Direct Invest Clic online savings plan via the Web Banking app?
    1. Open the menu and select the “PRODUCTS” section, followed by “Savings” or “Investment”.
    2. Press “Direct Invest Clic” to access the offering.

    Before subscribing, we advise that you read through the detailed information available for each fund. You can then simulate your potential savings plan based on your investor profile

    Step 1: Validate your advisory agreement
    1. Choose the monthly investment amount and the duration.
    2. Press “Validate” to confirm, followed by “Subscribe”.
    3. The steps required to finalise your contract will appear on screen. Make sure that the following four items have been validated:
    • advisory agreement;
    • investor profile;
    • contract configuration;
    • signature of documents.

    If your advisory agreement and/or investor profile have already been validated, you can proceed directly to the next steps. 

    4. Use your LuxTrust login details to open the “Direct Invest Clic pre-contractual information” document and validate the next step. Press “Next”. You will need to open all three documents to activate the green button. 
    5. Once your advisory agreement has been validated, press “Next”.

    Step 2: Define your investor profile
    1. Answer the questions on the next screen to define your investor profile.
    2. Press “Next question”, followed by “Validate questionnaire”.
    3. Once you have finished, press “Finish” to finalise your profile.

    If you already have a registered investor profile: 

    • you can either continue with this profile, or
    • you can edit your profile by answering the questions again.
    Step 3: Configure your contract

    To finalise the configuration of your contract, you will need to confirm:

    • the amount to be subscribed
    • the account to be debited
    • the debit date
    1. Press the “Subscribe” button.
    2. Carefully read through the confirmation page that summarises the details of your contract.
    3. Open the KIID (Key Investor Information Document) to access the confirmation button.
    4. Press Continue”. You have now completed your Contract Configuration.
    Step 4: Sign your contract
    1. Press the “Sign” button.
    2. Identify yourself using your LuxTrust login details to finalise the process.

    Congratulations, you have subscribed to your new fund savings plan via Direct Invest Clic!

Direct Invest Clic

Invest with ease via the Web Banking app.

Your automatic financial savings plan in just a few clicks.


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