0 Résultat

Better budgeting to achieve your goals

Managing your budget means feeling financially secure, i.e.:

  • Being in control of your finances ;
  • Being able to cover any unexpected costs.

It will also help you achieve financial freedom, meaning:

  • You’re able to make lifestyle choices in line with your aspirations and values ;
  • You’re able to achieve your financial objectives and see through your plans.

Didn’t think all this was possible? Find out what solutions we offer to help you manage your finances – all free in the Web Banking app!

Customise the Web Banking app to manage your accounts

Did you know you can receive personalised alerts in the Web Banking app? The “Notifications” option allows you to monitor changes in your accounts securely.

Activate the service to:

  •  get alerts when you receive a message in your secure messaging ;
  • monitor your account balance ;
  • be notified when your account is debited and/or credited ;
  • monitor your payment card balances and any spending.

A fully customisable service

The amount for each of these options can be adjusted to suit you. This means you will only receive the alerts you choose for each account and payment card!

In practice

Marc is due to receive a €100 train ticket refund in his Optiflex account. So that he knows when he has been refunded, he has decided to activate an alert in the Web Banking app. He has therefore configured his notifications and activated an alert for when his Optiflex account is credited with more than €99. When the €100 is paid in, he will receive a notification on his smartphone.

Would you like to activate personalised alerts?

Log in to the Web Banking app and go to the “Settings” section of the menu.

A quick overview of your bank accounts with Express View

Have you heard of Express View? This service allows you to quickly check the three most recent transactions in your bank accounts and your payment card balances without having to enter your login details.

Security guaranteed

By activating Express View, your last three account and card transactions will be displayed on the Web Banking app’s login page.

You don’t need to log in to get a quick overview of your accounts!

This function is entirely secure:

  • no transactions can be made using this service ;
  • customisable icons are provided to help identify the selected accounts/cards.
    This way, your account numbers are not visible.

This means that the security of your accounts is guaranteed.

In practice

Marie has two accounts: a personal account and a joint account with her husband. She has decided to use Express View to monitor her spending and any amounts credited to her two accounts. She has chosen two different icons to distinguish between her accounts. This means she can view the balances of her accounts securely at a glance without having to log in.

Would you like to activate Express View?

Log in to the Web Banking app and go to the “Express View” section of the menu.

Your personal Web Banking financial assistant

Get help from Genius in the Web Banking app. Genius is an account management assistant. It offers a range of advice, notifications and recommendations to help you better manage your budget.

It uses predictive technology based on account transactions over the past six months to understand your habits and offer you the best advice. Among other things, it can:

  • Help you detect instances of fraud early on ;
  • Warn you when a free subscription ends and you start being billed ;
  • Alert you when your account balance becomes insufficient to cover actual and predicted future expenses ;
  • Notify you when you receive a large payment.

You can evaluate each message Genius sends you to help it get to know you better. Genius will adapt to your needs and refine its recommendations based on your feedback.

With Genius, managing your finances is as easy as 1-2-3.

In practice

Elisabeth pays her rent each month by direct debit. Since she went on holiday this month, she has spent more money than usual.
Genius sent her a message to notify her that there were insufficient funds in her account to cover the rent payment due to be debited a few days later.
Elisabeth was able to react quickly and rectify her account balance. Consequently, her direct debit payment was not rejected and she avoided problems with her landlord.

Your online documents

The Web Banking app allows you to view and receive account statements and other documents online. They are stored securely in the E-document section of the Web Banking app.

Reasons to choose to receive your documents online

  • All your documents will be stored in one place ;
  • You won’t need to worry about your information falling into the wrong hands (if your post goes missing, for example) ;
  • You are helping to protect the environment by choosing not to receive hard copies of these documents. 

Would you like digital account statements?

Log in to Web Banking now to opt for paperless banking.

Your secure messaging

The Web Banking app’s secure messaging service allows BGL BNP Paribas to communicate with you securely.

For maximum security, no messages will be sent to your personal e-mail address. Whatever your need, you can communicate securely and instantly with our Client Service. You can also receive our newsletter to make sure you stay up to date.

Would you like to customise the Web Banking app?