The advantages of OptiPension+

With OptiPension+ pension insurance by Cardif Lux Vie(1), you save regularly under a long-term plan, while also saving on tax. Start thinking about your retirement plan today.
OptiPension+ is both a personalised savings scheme and pension insurance policy.
Please note that you can still:
On maturity, you may decide to receive the income on your savings:
You can deduct up to €3,200 from your tax base per taxpayer per year, no matter your age(4).
With the capital guarantee option, you’ll know in advance the minimum amount of capital that will be paid to you after deducting fees.
In co-operation with REFOREST'ACTION, our partner Cardif Lux Vie will plant one tree for every new policy taken out!
You can get updates on the Cardif Lux Vie reforestation project in the Greater Region.
Our advisors are available on (+352) 42 42 – 2000, Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm.
Frequently asked questions about OptiPension+
As a Luxembourg tax resident or an “equivalent” resident for tax purposes, you can reduce your annual tax base in Luxembourg by €3,200, regardless of your age.
A life annuity is a cash sum that is regularly paid to a beneficiary until their death. The amount of the annuity will depend on how much they have saved and their life expectancy.
While you are still alive, you will be the automatic beneficiary of the capital saved. You can designate anyone you like to be the beneficiary of the capital in the event that you die before the policy matures.
It’s likely that your government pension won’t enable you to maintain the same quality of life. By gradually putting savings into pension insurance as soon as you start working, you’ll save without thinking about it. You’ll also receive tax benefits and build up a comfortable capital, allowing you to maintain your standard of living during retirement!
You can access your savings after your 60th birthday.
(1) This product, designed by Cardif Lux Vie, is distributed by its insurance agency BGL BNP Paribas. Subscription subject to conditions and approval of your application by the bank.
(2) Luxembourg residents will be taxed on this at half the overall rate.
(3) Luxembourg residents will be taxed on this at half the overall rate and 50% of the annuity will be tax-exempt.
Fund investments are subject to market fluctuations and to the risks inherent in securities investments. The fund fact sheets are available in your local branch.
(4) Tax deductibility varies based on the personal situation of each client and is subject to change. To be tax deductible, the policy must be for at least 10 years and must not mature before you reach the age of 60.