Optimise your investments with a responsible approach
Responsible investment decisions take into account not only the usual financial criteria but also environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. Such consideration is useful for identifying investments that could have a positive impact on sustainable development, and benefit from this.
You too can bear social and environmental impact in mind when making your investment decisions. This complements and aligns with your expected returns, risk appetite and investment horizon.
Invest in solutions that address climate change.
The latest synthesis report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stresses that increasingly common extreme weather events brought about by climate change are already having adverse effects and causing loss and damage for ecosystems and mankind. This report states that some 3.3 to 3.6 billion people are living in situations that are highly vulnerable to climate change. According to the IPCC, it is therefore essential to significantly reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, especially CO2, and to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050*.
With BNP Paribas Climate Change(1) you invest in companies involved in:
either reducing greenhouse gas emissions;
or adapting to new climate paradigms.
These solutions span various domains, including:
- energy efficiency;
- renewable energy;
- waste recycling;
- building and renovating water supply systems;
- processing and recycling waste water.
BNP Paribas Climate Change has received SRI and Towards Sustainability certification.
ISIN: LU0406802339
*Source: IPCC, Synthesis Report AR6, March 2023
Invest to have a positive impact on the environment
At a time of deepening climate change, we all face environmental challenges. Experts suggest that by 2030, USD 6.9 trillion* will be needed each year to support the transition towards a low-carbon economy.
The BNP Green Bond fund(2) offers the possibility of:
- Contributing to a measurable positive social and/or environmental impact, while achieving a financial return.
Its reach is wide and well-known. It is used for investing in green bonds around the world, supporting local and international environmental projects over the long term. The BNP Green Bond fund has been awarded both Towards Sustainability and Greenfin certification.
ISIN: LU1620156999
*Source: OECD, BNPP AM Sustainability Centre, November 2022
Good to know
A green bond is a debt security that a corporation or public body issues on the market to investors so that it can finance projects that contribute to the eco transition and infrastructure development.
Invest in a diversified and sustainable fund
The Generalpart World Sustainable(3) fund invests responsibly in a wide range of instruments:
- Diversify savings by investing in global equities, bonds and alternative investments while following an ESG approach.
- Investing in companies that have adopted sound environmental, social or governance practices lets you do your bit for the transition towards sustainability. The fund holds Towards Sustainability certification.
This flexible solution can be used to adapt the portfolio’s composition to expected changes in the markets.
ISIN: LU0006371735
Do you want to invest responsibly?
Our Expertise Invest Centre advisers are available on (+352) 42 42 4004, Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 6.00 pm.
(1) This fund is classified under Article 9 of the SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation). This classification does not constitute certification.
(2) This fund is classified under Article 9 of the SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation). This classification does not constitute certification.
(3) This fund is classified under Article 8 of the SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation). This classification does not constitute certification.
The information shown on this webpage does not constitute a recommendation or investment advice. This webpage does not claim to provide an exhaustive description of the investment services to which it refers, nor of certain associated risks.
A decision to invest may not be taken solely on the basis of this document and should only be taken after careful analysis of all its characteristics and associated risks (as described in the “Investor Guide”) after having obtained all the necessary information. If you feel it necessary, BGL BNP Paribas would encourage you to contact professional advisers, including tax advisers.
BGL BNP Paribas Société Anonyme, having its registered office at J.F. Kennedy, 50, L-2951 Luxembourg, as a credit institution, is subject to regulation and supervision by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), 283 route d’Arlon, L-1150 Luxembourg.