0 Résultat

Why start investing?

Interest rates have been extremely low for a number of years. Risk-free savings products, such as traditional savings accounts, struggle in such conditions. Yields dwindle.

Ultimately, with inflation, each euro you save loses value by the day.

Do you feel the need to change the way you save, but don't know how to build or manage your portfolio?

Our investment experts are on hand to guide you and help you better match your savings to your needs.

Our solutions for new investors

Regular financial savings online

Direct Invest Clic

A solution for scheduled regular investment through Web Banking. With this automated arrangement, the financial markets help your savings to grow.

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First financial savings

With our regular savings plan, you can work with our advisors to choose the fund that suits you and build your first portfolio at your own pace.

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Our selection of funds

Find your way around our funds

Stop looking for the right investment: find it by yourself or with the help of our advisors.

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Investing responsibly

Sustainable investment

What if your investment could inspire change?

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Generalpart World Sustainable

Discover our flagship fund

A fund that is diversified, flexible and sustainable – discover your new secret weapon for savings.

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Direct Invest Expert

Optimising your portfolio

Our advisors will listen attentively and offer personalised advice on all asset classes when you invest EUR 50,000 or more.

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The information shown on this webpage does not constitute a recommendation or investment advice. This webpage does not claim to provide an exhaustive description of the investment services to which it refers, nor of certain associated risks.
A decision to invest may not be taken solely on the basis of this document and should only be taken after careful analysis of all its characteristics and associated risks (as described in the “Investor Guide”) after having obtained all the necessary information. If you feel it necessary, BGL BNP Paribas would encourage you to contact professional advisors, including tax advisors.
BGL BNP Paribas S.A, with its registered office at J.F. Kennedy, 50, L-2951 Luxembourg, as a credit institution, is subject to regulation and supervision by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), 283 route d’Arlon, L-1150 Luxembourg.