The cost of renting an apartment or a house

If you are coming to Luxembourg and need to find a house or apartment to rent, data from the Housing Observatory in June 2024 indicates that the average rental cost for an apartment in Luxembourg is EUR 33.53 per square metre.
Of course, the capital is the most expensive at EUR 39/m2. The further out from the City of Luxembourg you are, the greater the chance of finding a less expensive apartment. Rents are most attractive in Clervaux (EUR 16.52/m2) and Weiswampach (EUR 16.69/m2), two municipalities at the northernmost tip of the country on the border with Germany and Belgium.
The average rental cost for a house is less expensive at EUR 17.67/m2 for the country as a whole and EUR 22.19/m2 in the City of Luxembourg, but availability is very limited.
You will have to provide a rental guarantee in order to rent an apartment and sign a lease agreement in Luxembourg.
We recommend that you ask your bank to provide this guarantee in order to keep track of the transaction.
The bank will block the required amount on your savings account. This guarantee cannot be more than three months’ rent. The rental guarantee provided by the bank should generally be given to the owner when the keys to the property are handed over.
At the end of the lease, the rental guarantee is returned to the bank which releases the funds, providing the property owner has not provided notification of any incidents.