0 Résultat

We are assisting clients with their energy transition projects and channelling financing and investment flows to initiatives favouring the energy transition by stopping our financing of fossil fuels. We are also paying special attention to eco-friendly technologies and minimising energy consumption in our buildings.

Financing green projects

Indian man in uniform on solar farm. Competent energy engineer controlling work of photovoltaic cells

BGL BNP Paribas offers its clients products and services that help them to make a real contribution to environmental change.

The Green Desk is made up of experts in the renewable energy, energy efficiency and circular economy sectors.


  • 30 businesses supported
  • 210 million euro in loans granted mainly to fund wind and hydroelectric projects

How to finance your “green” business project

Première obligation souveraine durable

En septembre 2020, la Trésorerie de l'Etat a placé avec succès le premier emprunt souverain durable de l'Etat luxembourgeois.

Emis sur base du cadre de référence pour les obligations durables, cet emprunt de 1,5 milliard d'euros contribuera à financer ou refinancer des projets à caractère social et environnemental.

Aux côtés de plusieurs autres banques de la place, BGL BNP Paribas participe à cette initiative qui a pour but d'atteindre les objectifs du pays dans le cadre de l'Accord de Paris sur le climat et de réaliser les 17 objectifs de développement durable de l'ONU.

Reducing our footprint

In our various branches and at the BNP Paribas Group premises in Kirchberg, we are doing all we can to reduce our direct CO² emissions. 

Recovery of 8,750 m³ of rainwater, equivalent to the annual consumption of 68 households.

100% of our organic waste from the new Kirchberg building is recycled, i.e. around 70 tonnes per year. 

More than 2 million kWh are produced every year by our gas engines, which is the annual electricity consumption of a village with 1,350 inhabitants.

1,944,600 kWh of cooling energy are recovered on the Group's Kirchberg premises, i.e. the equivalent of around 3,000 household fridges.

Solar panels
The bank’s solar panels in Kirchberg produce 7,000 kWh, which is the energy supply required to operate the building's escalators. 

Video of our green buildings

Beehives in the bank’s gardens

With bee populations dwindling in the countryside, BGL BNP Paribas has installed three hives in its gardens.

The honey collected in 2019 was donated to HOPE, the charity founded by the Group's Luxembourg staff. Proceeds of over EUR 1,000 have been used to finance charitable projects.


Mission Zero goal

In signing the Zero Single-Use Plastic manifesto launched by IMS, BNP Paribas Luxembourg made a commitment in 2019 to eliminating single-use plastics by 2020

Faced with an environmental emergency, the staff at BNP Paribas Luxembourg are intent on promoting conservation through direct action, including in the workplace. 

In 2019, our annual consumption went from 200,000 coffee stirrers, 90,000 plastic plates and cutlery sets, 80,000 straws and 660,000 disposable cups to... none!

In December 2019, the bank handed out several hundred glass bottles that staff can refill at company water fountains.

At the beginning of 2020, we stopped distributing plastic bottles, but we still have some way to go before we can eradicate all other disposable plastic containers.

By changing our daily habits, we can make a real impact on our environment.

Carbon neutral

As part of its commitment to containing global warming, the BNP Paribas Group will no longer finance activities involving the exploration, production and transportation of unconventional hydrocarbons, and has put together a dedicated offer centred on renewable energy and promoters of the energy transition.

The BNP Paribas Group's carbon neutral pledge

Would you like to find out more about the commitments made by BGL BNP Paribas?