0 Résultat

Sustainable Economic Progress Prizes

Every year since 2021, the Alphonse Weicker Foundation, in collaboration with the National Institute for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (INDR) and the Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises (UEL), has awarded Sustainable Economic Progress Prizes to companies that have shown an exemplary contribution to sustainable development.

The panel has four members appointed by the Foundation and three members appointed by INDR.

Appraisal criteria

prix du développement

Entries will be appraised on the basis of the following criteria:

  • The impact of the relevant CSR themes
  • Stakeholder involvement or consultation
  • The creation of value for the company and society (at economic, social and environmental levels)
  • Innovation

Lauréats des précédentes éditions


Schroeder & Associés, winner of the €10,000 Alphonse Weicker Foundation Prize.

This rewards Schroeder & Associés for its comprehensive and ambitious CSR strategy involving all of its stakeholders. The company is committed to having a positive impact on our quality of life, making a positive and constructive contribution to the transition. This strategy is integral, targeting internal and external coherence in sustainability matters to bring employees on board the implementation process. Operationally, it has led to the creation of new positions and three corporate governance bodies. The approach is also notable for the original ideas it produces to rally staff around these topics, including a two-day Hackathon to devise and develop innovative concepts on the main strategic issues relating to the environment.


Dussmann, winner of the €2,500 BGL BNP Paribas prize.

This prize was awarded for a Dussmann Catering project: a food dehydrator for organic waste. This is based on circular economy principles with a process that turns food waste into potential resources. It consists of removing the water from bio-waste to obtain a dry powder. This substrate can be used in agriculture (compost) or for energy (anaerobic digestion). The grey water produced during this process can be used for watering or washing. The process can also reduce waste volumes by up to 75% by lowering storage and transport requirements.


BAMOLUX S.à r.l., winner of the €10,000 Alphonse Weicker Foundation Prize.

Founded in 1976, BAMOLUX is a Luxembourg company based in Foetz, and specialised in insulation & partitioning, interior joinery and painting & finishing. BAMOLUX takes a conscious and structured approach to CSR, following the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The company has identified 25 areas for development with a view to making its growth model even more sustainable.

shime S.à r.l, winner of the €2,500 BGL BNP Paribas prize.

shime is a private Luxembourg company founded in 2017. This CSR consultancy firm helps businesses to establish a CSR strategy, and is involved in the management of waste – especially the collection and recycling of cigarette butts. shime helps charities, local authorities and businesses to run ”Zero Cigarette butts” projects and is currently the only Luxembourg entity offering concrete, comprehensive solutions for the sustainable management of this pollutant.


WAKO, winner of the €10,000 Alphonse Weicker Foundation Prize.

WAKO is a company with a responsible ethos. For several years, the pursuit of its CSR strategy has involved work towards net-zero carbon emissions, in close partnership with staff, clients and suppliers. After analysing its second carbon footprint at the end of 2020, WAKO focused its priorities on two complementary areas: reducing its CO2 emissions by 20% through action planned with all 200 employees during a team building session; and offsetting the remaining emissions with a financial contribution to the planting of 250,000 trees in Madagascar through the Graine de Vie reforestation project. WAKO invites all of its clients and suppliers to join in on a voluntary basis. WAKO is now carbon neutral, with CO2 Strategy Luxembourg Sàrl certification, and is working to reduce its direct emissions even further to limit reliance on carbon offsetting.


Encevo Group, winner of the €2,500 BGL BNP Paribas prize.

Encevo is a key player in sustainable energy within Luxembourg and the Greater Region. Committed to ensuring secure access to energy and competitive supplies, Encevo actively contributes to shaping the transition towards a sustainable energy industry by rolling out innovative solutions and forming partnerships with local communities. Redesigned in 2019, the CSR approach is an integral part of the group’s strategy for addressing climate challenges and being a leading force in energy transition.