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Who is EcoVadis?

EcoVadis is a French company that has been providing a full Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) service since 2007.
Since its creation, EcoVadis has assessed more than 100,000 businesses of all sizes and from all sectors around the globe, and is now the world’s biggest provider of CSR assessments.
Numerous multinational firms have already trusted EcoVadis to improve their sustainability.

How does EcoVadis assess companies CSR performance?

The assessment is based on several specific indicators grouped into four main themes:

  • Environment;
  • Society & Human Rights;
  • Ethics;
  • Responsible Procurement.

This rating is based on a method inspired by international CSR standards (principles of the UN Global Compact, ILO conventions, GRI standards, and ISO 260004).

Support for your sustainable transition thanks to the partnership with EcoVadis

BGL BNP Paribas puts interested parties in contact with its partner, EcoVadis, to carry out this assessment.
This assessment can be part of an Impact Financing process, but can also be done independently.
There are several benefits to choosing an EcoVadis rating:

  • obtaining and sharing an ESG rating with trading partners;
  • assessing business relations;
  • monitoring CSR progress;
  • receiving content from EcoVadis to raise awareness of sustainability issues.

Please contact your adviser to find out more.