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Your CSR approach reflected in financing offers

Many businesses are now taking a series of measures to further increase their environmental, social and governance (ESG) work.

What this means is that businesses are taking steps to promote gender equality, protect the environment, and support charities and associations that share these values.

Companies’ can disclose and promote this action in their non-financial reports.

Their approach also reflects - especially EU - regulation in this area, which is expanding year after year.

An interest rate linked to your ESG work


The aim of Impact Financing is to finance your company’s projects while promoting sustainability initiatives. This is reflected in an interest rate that will be lowered if your CSR targets are hit.

Impact Financing is a traditional loan that links the interest rate to sustainability indicators agreed between BGL BNP Paribas and your company.

Each company receives an assessment customised according to its maturity and CSR priorities. It is a real catalyst for the development of your CSR policy.

How are sustainability indicators chosen?

A business agreeing Impact Financing can:

  • either choose 2 to 5 criteria that fit in with its business;
  • or include an ESG rating awarded by a non-financial rating agency such as EcoVadis, a BGL BNP Paribas partner specialised in the CSR assessment of SMEs around the world.

The company will have to set a path for improving these criteria or this rating.


How does an impact loan work?


Example 1: Lower interest rate:

Prenons l’exemple de l’entreprise Mustermann, PME dans le secteur du textile. Elle a souscrit un financement à impact en 2023. En considérant sa taille et son secteur d’activité, l’entreprise a décidé de réduire son empreinte carbone. Un an après la souscription du crédit, l’entreprise enverra à BGL BNP Paribas l’attestation du bilan carbone réalisée et qui témoigne d’une diminution correspondante à l’objectif fixé. BGL BNP Paribas reverra le taux de l’entreprise Mustermann à la baisse, car l’entreprise a réussi à atteindre son objectif. 

Example 2: Lowering based on an assessment provided by a non-financial rating agency:

Prenons l’entreprise XYZ, PME dans le secteur des services. Pour son Financement à Impact, au lieu de choisir différents critères, elle a réalisé une évaluation de sa performance en matière de RSE avec une agence de notation extra-financière reconnue lors de la souscription de son Financement à Impact.

Un an après la souscription du crédit, l’entreprise enverra à BGL BNP Paribas la revue de la notation extra-financière qui témoigne d’une amélioration significative de son évaluation.

BGL BNP Paribas reverra le taux de l’entreprise XYZ à la baisse, car l’entreprise a réussi à atteindre son objectif. »

Who is Impact Financing designed for?


Impact Financing is designed for companies looking to borrow between €500,000 and €100 million and improve their ESG credentials.

Please contact your adviser to find out more.