Meet us on the Belval Campus.
Whether you’re from Luxembourg or further afield, arriving at a new university is bound to be an adventure.
That’s why the University of Luxembourg organises an annual Welcome Day to help new students feel at home. It’s an opportunity to help students find their way around campus, settle into their new environment and embrace the changes ahead.
As the bank for a changing world, we will be running a stall at this year’s event on 15 September and we hope to see you there.
Come and speak to us to find out about the many advantages of our exclusive student offer and enjoy a delicious free smoothie!.
Pour financer vos études, votre demande de crédit peut directement être faite dans votre application Web Banking. Plus besoin de se déplacer en agence !
Dans la rubrique "prêt étudiant AideFi", scannez le QR code repris dans la lettre d'accord reçu du Service Aides financières du ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche... et le tour est joué.